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sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

PES 2011 PS3 Camera Settings v1.1 by MxSoNiC

PES 2011 PS3 Camera Settings v1.1 by MxSoNiC

1. change Settings for Camera Type “Normal Close”
2. change Settings for Camera Type “Normal Medium”
3. change Settings for Camera Type “Normal Long”
4. change Settings for Camera Type “Wide”
5. change Settings for Camera Type “Broadcasting 1″
6. change Settings for Camera Type “Broadcasting 2″ ( only Height )
7. change Settings for Camera Type “Vertical Wide”
8. change Settings for Camera Type “player”
9. set Camera Angle
how to use:
1. open EBOOT.ELF File
2. select the Type of Camera
3. change the settings
4. press the accept button
5. save the EBOOT.ELF File
thanks to:
Honome_WEC, Ariel, and the one and only… the complete Moddingway, PSO and pescorner Team

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